The 2007 Philippine Energy Plan (PEP) Update is an affirmation of the state’s commitment to pursue the energy independence agenda under the Government’s Five-Point Reform Package. The energy sector’s agenda focuses on attaining a sustainable 60.0 percent energy self-sufficiency beyond 2010 and promoting a globally competitive energy sector. The first objective is anchored on the effective implementation of the following goals: (a) accelerating the exploration; development and utilization of indigenous energy resources; (b) intensifying renewable energy resource development; (c) increasing the use of alternative fuels; and, (d) enhancing energy efficiency and conservation. On the other hand, the continuing reforms in the power sector as well as the downstream oil and gas industries will pave the way in realizing a globally competitive Philippine energy sector.
It holds the largest potential (76,000 MW) for wind energy among the Southeast Asian countries.
On geothermal energy, the Philippines is the second largest producer in the world.
Solar power technology has been instrumental in providing power to agrarian communities in the countryside. The solar support project, initiated by the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC), has been crucial in this regard.
The country has abundant biomass resources with installed capacity expected to reach 161 MW by 2014.
The Mini-hydro law provides significant incentives to promote small hydropower projects in the Philippines.