April 24, 2013


"Making Business Happen" is the main thrust of the Canada Philippines Business Council (CPBC) as it hosts the association's first business event in Niagara in conjunction with the Philippines Ambassador Tour's mission. It will be held on May 3rd, Friday, 12:30-4:00pm, White Oaks Conference Resort & Hotel Niagara on the Lake. Admission is $ 20.00.

Among the guest of honors are Hon Leslie Gatan- Philippines' Ambassador to Canada, Philippine Business and Investment Climate - Michelle Sanchez, Commercial Counsellor, Philippine Trade & Investment Center, New York, Prospects for Agribusiness in the Philippines - Dr. Jostling Javelosa, Agriculture Attache, Embassy of the Philippines, Washington, D.C., Consul General Mahilum West, of the Philippine Consulate-Toronto, Eric Tamayo, Minister and Consul- Ottawa and Atty Alicia Natividad, founder of CPBC.

According to CPBC president Paul Tesseyman, " investors are reassured by the council that CPBC will stand by its commitment to serve as a forum for trade, business and economic information and consulting services between Canada and the Philippines.

Eric Tamayo, First Secretary and Consul at the Philippine Embassy in Ottawa will be one of the speakers during the info session. Tamayo will talk about the trade relations between Philippines and Canada - highlighting the Philippine's macroeconomics. Canada is considered as the Philippine's key trading partner. In 2009 total trade estimated at US$497.88 million. In 2010 Philippines' received 80,500 visitors from Canada making the country the biggest source of tourists.

A winery tour at Joseph Winery is also part of the program followed by a dinner/show at Manila Flavors Restaurant in Niagara Falls, 7000 Mcleod Road, 6:30pm.

Those interested to do business in the Philippines would find this event significant.

Contact; Marlou, cell 2892131276 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Program and Invitation in PDF file.

Source: Maria Luisa Tiro