PR 5 2022 Planning Workshop

Top Photo: DCM FNR Fernandez validates inputs from Philippine Embassy Personnel; Middle Left Photo: Ambassador Rodolfo D. Robles participates in the planning session;  Middle Right Photo: DCM FNR Fernandez facilitates the workshop on Deposition and Remote Presentation of Witnesses;  Bottom Photo: Ottawa PE personnel brainstorming and preparing inputs during the planning and risk assessment.

17 January 2022, Ottawa - The Philippine Embassy in Canada conducted its annual planning and risk assessment session on 15 January 2022.  Deputy Chief of Mission Francisco Noel Fernandez III facilitated the session and consolidated the inputs provided by all personnel.  The resurgence of COVID-19 pandemic and its variants, climate change, and technological innovation were the main points raised during the planning session.

After the planning session, DCM Fernandez facilitated a workshop to orient personnel in the conduct of deposition and remote presentation of witnesses in relation to requests from Philippine trial courts.