PR 121 2021 ASEAN Day Celebrations 12Aug2021

Ambassador Rodolfo Robles (fourth from right) and Mme. Nora Robles (third from right) with the Heads of Mission of the ASEAN Committee in Ottawa and their respective spouses.

Ottawa, Canada – Ambassador Rodolfo Robles and other Heads of Mission of the ASEAN Committee in Ottawa (ACO) co-hosted on 10 August 2021 a reception celebrating the 54th Founding Anniversary of ASEAN at the Official Residence of the Indonesian Embassy.

The event was attended by officials from Global Affairs Canada led by Assistant Deputy Minister Paul Thoppil and diplomats from ASEAN Dialogue Partners accredited to Canada.

The ACO is composed of the diplomatic missions in Ottawa from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam.