IMG 23991

01 December 2017, Ottawa – The Philippine Embassy, represented by Second Secretary Jeffrey Salik, participated in the “ASEAN at 50: Conference on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ 50th Anniversary,” organized and sponsored by the McGill Southeast Asia Lecture Series of the Department of Political Science, McGill University, in Montreal on 30 November 2017.

Mr. Salik reported on the highlights of the outcome of the 31st ASEAN Summit and Related Summits at the Conference. He highlighted the major accomplishments including the signing of the ASEAN Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers as well as the numerous documents adopted and statements issued at the East Asia Summit, RCEP Summit and the various summits with dialogue partners.

The conference was attended by undergraduate and graduate students of McGill University, academicians, and members of the Working Group of the ASEAN Committee in Ottawa. END