PR-157- 2024

Philippine Studies Program Grant

16 December 2024 - The Embassy of the Philippines in Canada signed a donation agreement with McGill University to establish a Philippine Studies Program at this prestigious university in Montreal, Quebec. This partnership agreement underscores the commitment of the Embassy and McGill University to work together to increase understanding of Philippine culture, history, and society in Canada.

The Deed of Donation, signed on 11 December 2024 at Delta Hotel Ottawa, by Her Excellency Maria Andrelita S. Austria, Ambassador of the Philippines to Canada, and for the University, Professor Anja Geitmann, Vice-President, Global Engagement, McGill University, formalizes a joint initiative to develop projects, and/or activities related to the culture, society and history of the Philippines and the Filipino people under the Philippine Studies Program initiated by the Office of Senator Loren Legarda.

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With the signing of the Deed of Donation, the Philippine government donated the amount of CAD 24,192.14 (PHP 1M) to McGill University. Specifically, this donation aims to support in promoting the importance of Philippine culture and development and its relevance to programming in the Faculty of Arts of McGill University.

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The donation is made possible through the initiative of Honorable Loren Legarda, Senator and President pro tempore of the Senate of the Philippines, and a part of the embassy's ongoing efforts to build new networks to foster future developments for Philippine studies at McGill.

McGill University, located in Montreal, Quebec, is one of Canada’s leading institutions of higher learning. Founded in 1821, McGill is renowned for its excellence in teaching, research, and public service. It is committed to fostering global citizenship, diversity, and innovative solutions to the world's challenges.

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In celebration of the 75th anniversary of Philippines-Canada diplomatic relations, this collaboration with McGill University represents a milestone in the Embassy’s efforts to bring greater recognition and understanding of the Philippines to Canada. Through this program, the Embassy hopes to inspire a new generation of scholars, educators, and leaders to engage with the Philippines' diverse history and culture.

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Witnessing the signing of the Donation Agreement were delegates of the Track 1.5 Dialogue .

Video message of Senator Loren Legarda on the donation agreement with McGill University.