PR 98 2023 MOU Signing PH DOSTand Canadian Univ

15 June 2023, Ottawa – The Philippine Embassy’s Minister and Deputy Head of Mission Myca Magnolia Fischer witnessed the virtual signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology and Universities Canada on Science, Technology and Innovation. Universities Canada, a national organization, represents 96 Canadian universities and colleges.

Signed by DOST Secretary Renato U. Solidum, Jr., and Universities Canada President Paul Davidson, the MOU aims to advance STI cooperation through graduate and post-graduate scholarship programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), joint research and development initiatives and other forms of scientific collaboration between Filipino and Canadian scientists, researchers, engineers, and students in the fields of health and life sciences; science and technology education and human resources development; environment, agriculture, and energy; advanced manufacturing; artificial intelligence; space technology and applications; and entrepreneurship.

In her congratulatory remarks, Ms. Fischer expressed the hope that more exchanges and scholarships on specific areas that will directly contribute to PH economic development efforts will be made available, citing the example of a Twinning and Training Program in Aircraft Repair and Maintenance, which will concretely contribute to the Philippines’ goal of becoming a hub for aircraft repair and maintenance in the region. Moreover, the Philippines and Canadian universities and colleges may also support initiatives in developing and improving the Philippines’ agriculture and agri-business industries.

More information: - DOST Inks MOU with Universities Canada to Advance Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation