Professor James McKay responds to questions from the attendees of the Queen’s University’s Ambassadors’ Forum.
25 June 2018, Ottawa. Chargé d’ Affaires Francisco Noel R. Fernandez III joined other Heads of Missions from the Asia Pacific at a forum hosted by Queen’s University, held last Friday, 22 June 2018, at the Benidickson House located inside Queen’s University campus in Kingston, Ontario. Professor James McKay, the Associate Dean of Arts at Canada’s Royal Military College, led the discussions on “International Security in the Era of Trump’s Administration.”
Queen’s University has been hosting similar fora since 2003 when Professor Hok-Lin Leung founded the Ambassadors’ Forum for the Heads of Missions from the Asia Pacific region.
The Asia Pacific Group of Ambassadors is composed of the heads of missions from the following countries: (1) Afghanistan; (2) Australia; (3) Bangladesh; (4) Brunei Darussalam; (5) People’s Republic of China; (6) India; (7) Indonesia; (8) Japan; (9) Republic of Korea; (10) Malaysia; (11) Myanmar; (12) Mongolia; (13) Nepal; (14) New Zealand; (15) Pakistan; (16) the Philippines; (17) Sri Lanka; (18) Thailand; and (19) Viet Nam. END.